Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Postcard #28: Things I typed into Social Media this week but deleted before posting...

I got an advertisement with my check at a bar in Asbury Park.  How often to people decide if they where they will live depending on the bar nearby.  When you tilt the card you can see dozens of imprints from people signing checks and tipping on receipts that were on top of the card.
Sent to Mike E.

Postcard #27: Jehovah

 So I ordered a few lots of cards on Ebay.  In one of the lots I received several of these cards.  If I am ever in Anaheim I will be sure to see if they updated the furnishings.  Until then I will alter them and piggy back messages on them.

Mailed to Dad
Addendum (08/23/15): So.  My father never received it which is an incredible bummer as I specifically sent to to him because I know he would keep it safe.  I should have hand delivered it to him.  I am really disappointed that this did not reach its destination since I put a lot time into its creation.  I am going to talk to the post office of Eatontown and of Long Branch.  I am also going to make it a point to only send postcards out from my post office from now on.