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KaT-85 who likes
dolls apparently and wanted ticket stubs. So I've had this card for a few years since my last trip to Spain. When I got it I had every intention of writing a story about creepy dolls. But since getting it I have noticed I have a few creepy doll postcards and it's not like I could not find a creepier card. I needed to write down my post to make my resolutions a reality. I have to leave to go to the gym (2nd time this week).
I have also deleted the Facebook app and messenger. I have to admit my stress level has been dropping since doing so. I don't go on nearly as much. Though I have noticed that I have been going on quite a bit today since it's my day off. Sure enough, there are so many fucking idiots on Facebook that just infuriate me. [insert long rant that I just typed up about a couple of the brands of fucking idiots that I deleted when I realized it only tangentially related to this postcard.]
If you truly want to witness how neurotic I have become right now, the act of me reading that last paragraph had made me hate myself a little more. Part of me wants to change "so many fucking idiots" to "a bunch of phonies" just to aid in my evolution to someone I hate.
Perhaps that lends to a 7th resolution. "Tom, just keep your fucking mouth shut." Perhaps even an 8th resolution...get Sam to change my password so I can not log into it anymore.
Like many people I routinely fail in making/completing new Years Resolutions. Two Year ago I practically made a manifesto...and failed. "Lose Weight." "Write a novel." "Get healthy." This year I have switched to fairly attainable goals that are so simple to complete but will create a decent foundation for anything else.
1) Go to the Gym 2-3 times a week for a half hour. 2) write a postcard once a week. 3) Delete Facebook app/messenger. No more FB at work or on breaks. 4) Read a half hour each day. 5) Cut the work fuck, fucking, fucked, from my spoken words. 6) Visit Mom, dad, grandma. -T.M.