Saturday, September 19, 2020

Postcard #158: Violent Femme

Since birth I've been rocking Ursa to sleep with a good night playlist. It starts with C. W. Stoneking's "The Zombie" then has a variety of tracks a few from "Over the Garden Wall", Pink Floyd, Streetlight Manifesto, among others. In my arms, Ursa grows restless and starts talking. I tell her I can't understand her with the pacifier in her mouth. She pulls it free and sits back in my arms "...stay with me just a little longer? " "What?" I ask. She starts humming, for a few moments smiling "It always seems like you are leaving when I need you here..." My 2 1/2 year old says to me as she leans in to touch my face warmly. "Won't you stay with me just a little longer it all..." her words melded into a mix of baby speak but I could clearly tell she was singing along with the music now. She almost had the la la la's down at the end. And it was true I did not want the feeling to end. - T.M. "Violent Femme"

I sent this card to my father for Father's Day.  The card is among the oldest in my collection.  Originally mailed on March 20, 1903. He said it made him cry.

I sent this card to my father for Father's Day. The card is among the oldest in my collection. Originally mailed on March 20, 1903. He said it made him cry.

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