To: Peterboro Town Library
Main St.
Peterborough, N.H. 03458
Postmark: Naples, Fl 33940 April 26, 1974 PM
Stamp: Eisenhower USA 8¢
Text: Apr. 23. Temp. 85 Sunny.
Hi Ladies - Beautiful weather. Doesn't this look like me on the beach? our friends have a house on a canal which is just lovely. We hope to visit Busch Gardens soon. I'm get-ting a nice rest, + I'll be read for work. There are plenty of photos everywhere. I've been feeding the seagull
s too. Hope things are not TOO busy. Love Marsha
Postcard #92: Squirrel Seeks
Chipmunk Book Review
Along the Beautiful Sandy Beaches of Florida
So I read the book Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk by David Sedaris. I love Aesop’s fables. My favorite fable is the “Frog and the Scorpion.” So when I picked up this Sedaris book I thought they would be modern versions of fables with personified animals. I hated this book. Every word of it. What this book ended up being was a collection of vapid empty generally un-likable animals. They were personified so well that had he not given them physical animal traits I might have mistaken them for real humans. I read this book over the course of three weeks. It was like I was hate-fuc**ng this book, every night for 3 weeks reading a paragraph or so in a sitting because I loather it so much. – TM
Transcribed by jjwood687
on Fiverr.
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