I was invited to a wedding in upstate NY by an ex-girlfriend... well a woman I went out with a few times... but nothing really ever happened. The wedding was far enough from my house I had to get a room. The wedding was nice enough. I remember her telling me it was very expensive. My date and I had a decent time... and I am pretty sure I was only invited to somehow be made jealous. But I did not care...the person I had taken as my date was infinitely more enjoyable than the bride ever was. The ceremony started late and the reception followed. Suddenly it was 4 pm and everything was over... no after-parties... nothing. My date and I were stone sober, in a boring city. We went back to the hotel lied to them that we had an emergency we had to get back to and they refunded us half our room. We took that money and rented a room in Atlantic City...2-3 hours away. We sped there. My date looked Amazing. I looked pretty decent still too. We got drunk. Gambled all night, wandered around A.C. I had fun...more fun than I did at the wedding. I don't think we ever went back.
Sent Via postcrossing to NikBab81.
I freehanded this. It's obvious. Sorry Nikbab. There are a few things I would have reworded or moved around. Normally I write a draft. But I was crunching 8 postcards this weekend. I am still sitting on one more. I hope I can get that one completed today. I have the card picked out but I do not know what I am going to write. Maybe I will tell him how I voted since the election is almost here. I will freehand that...because...I need to get better at first drafting stuff. I think I will go with that as a new tag.
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