I knelt down and my daughter climbed upon my knee. The mailbox key in one hand and pulled herself up with the other, "Why did they take it, daddy?" "I don't know why they took your step stool honey." (We had a step stool out there next to the mailbox to help her but it vanished.) "Why?" "Why what?" "Why?" she persisted as she struggled to put the key into the mailbox. And I said, "For the same reason we have a mailbox with a lock on it. People are selfish and take things that don't belong to them." "Oh...why?"I sighed. "Honey. Just get the mail." "Okay." She said as she turned the key and swung the door open. "Oooohh!" She exclaimed as she reached in to grab an assortment of junk mail and political flyers. "You like those, eh?" asked shifting on my knee with her weight. "YESS!" She said enthusiastically pulling them out one by one. "Okay, Please hand them me please." She complied. "And now, close it up." "Okay!" She closed the mailbox...locked it...and in one clean motion put the keys into the dropbox essentially locking the only set of mailbox keys - inside the mailbox. "Why?" I asked.
Sent via postcrossing to StrawBerryBlossom. She wanted strawberries. I do not have strawberries. Nor have I ever had a strawberry card. But this card is from my personal collection. I think I have had this one since well before Postcrossing. Postage be! This is a true story. I had to dismantle my mailbox in order to turn the mailbox over to spill the keys out. Then reattach the mailbox to make sure I can continue to get more dumb political flyers and junkmail. It certainly did speak to the importance of getting a duplicate.
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